Registration is now open!  CLICK HERE to register campers!


Parents and Guardians:

Thank you for considering sending your student(s) to “MARKED 2025” Youth Arts Camp.  We are excited for the opportunity to serve these wonderful young people and hope that any questions you have will be answered.  However, for more information you are welcome to contact the Camp Director at info@lcyarts.org. 


Campers and their parents will be contacted by email after the registration information is received.  Please regularly check the email accounts you gave in your registration materials so you stay up to date! 

Please email info@lcyarts.org with any questions before camp. 


We will be collecting funds for the “Enliven” mission in La Union, Honduras.  Heather and Mike Farrell train musicians and worship leaders and our donations will help them purchase needed instruments and other equipment. (For more information see: www.cten.org/heatherfarrell.)

March 1-31 – only $89
April 1-30 – only $99
May 1-24 – only $110
May 25 – June 5 – only $120

Lunches and other financial information

In order to provide a great camp experience for all campers, there will be a limit on how many campers we can accept, and all students must register and fully pay fees by June 5.  We cannot accommodate at-the-door or late registrations. 

$29 – Five days of lunches. (Sorry; we cannot accommodate dietary restrictions.) Lunches must be ordered by June 5. This is optional; a student may choose to bring their own lunch each day. 

Students in need of scholarships or financial assistance should email info@lcyarts.org for more information and to inquire about availability.

If you are interested in giving to help offset the costs of camp or toward scholarships for other students, please email info@lcyarts.org.  


Payment is due when you register unless you have extenuating circumstances and have contacted info@lcyarts.org to made payment arrangements.

Registration closes on June 5, 2025.


Refunds will be given if requested at least 14 days before camp (June 9) and all refunds are subject to a $40 cancellation fee. If cancellations are received less than 14 days before camp begins, refunds will only be given for medical reasons or a family emergency.


In the unlikely event the camp must be canceled, all families will be notified as soon as possible.  Students who wish it will be given a refund.  Or they may choose to roll their fee over to the 2026 camp, or they can donate it to the scholarship fund so other students may attend next year.


Snacks like candy bars and soda will be available at the camp. 


Parents or other legal adults who want to serve campers as small group leaders, lunch crew, hospitality ministry, or general help are asked to complete a Volunteer Application form and information for a background check.  Click HERE to Complete a Volunteer Application.

Please note that children not attending the camp cannot be on the campus during the camp for safety and security reasons, and we do not have child care facilities or staff available during the camp. 


Adults who assist campers with special needs are welcome to attend camp with their camper.  Please submit a Volunteer Application so we can run a background check, but we will only expect you to work with your camper. 

For the safety and security of our campers and staff, non-volunteer parents and/or other children are asked to not be on campus. until the picnic and program on Friday evening.

Adults (age 18+) who want to serve as volunteers for the camp should fill out the volunteer application available soon. 


On Monday, doors will open at 8:30 a.m. for check-in.  Tuesday through Friday, doors will open at 8:45 a.m. 

Campers should be picked up by 3:45 p.m. (Monday through Thursday) unless their parent is assisting with the camp.

Each camper must be signed in AND signed out by the parent or guardian each day.  Students 16 years of age or older who have a signed parental permission slip (available Day 1 of camp) can sign themselves in and out. 

If a camper is more than 15 minutes early in the morning (8:45 a.m.) or more than 15 minutes late to leave in the afternoon (3:15 p.m.), a $10 fee will be assessed to the student’s account, unless then camp director has been contacted about extenuating circumstances.    (A student whose parent is assisting at camp are welcome to arrive and depart on their parent’s schedule.)

On Friday, students will stay after the regular camp day for a dress rehearsal, free time, and the family picnic and closing program/concert.  Parents and family members are invited to attend the picnic and closing program, after which the student will be able to take home any art projects or materials developed at camp. 


Please encourage campers to eat a good breakfast each day before they arrive at camp so they are ready to work and play. 

Campers are asked to bring their own refillable water bottle marked with their name to each day of camp. 

Students may bring a lunch each day OR order a daily lunch for $29 for the week.  (See “Costs” above.)

There will not be refrigeration available, so campers who bring their own lunches should plan accordingly.

If your student has special dietary needs, please send their lunches, as we cannot accommodate dietary needs.

Reservation for ordering lunches and $29 fee is due June 5.  Lunches served will be food like hot dogs, spaghetti, sloppy joes, frozen pizzas, etc. with fruits and vegetables. 

Water and lemonade will be available free of charge to all campers throughout the day.  In addition, we will have a small snack available during the day.


Please plan to have each camper at camp every day for the full day (9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) and for Friday’s all-camp evening performance.  If a medical appointment absolutely cannot be rescheduled and your student will miss part of camp, please let the camp director know before June 10.  


The main floor of the facility is fully handicapped accessible, with ramps on both the north and south sides of the building at 1551 Wood Street, Muskegon.  Accessible restrooms are located on the main floor, north side.  A lift will be available from the main floor to the basement.

Students who have physical limitations and can’t use stairs should note that on the registration form. 

Trained service animals are welcome. 


Please keep home any camper who exhibits any of the following symptoms: diarrhea, severe coughing, difficult or rapid breathing, yellowish skin or eyes, pinkeye/conjunctivitis, vomiting, contagious rashes, unidentifiable rashes, fever (over 99 degrees orally) and head lice or nits. Accordingly, we reserve the right to contact a parent or emergency contact to have the child picked up if he/she exhibits any of these symptoms. We also utilize a “24-hour fever free policy.” This policy mandates that any child sent home with a fever (see above) cannot be readmitted to camp within 24 hours.

There will be a nurse on campus each day of the camp, if medical needs arise. 


Camp rules are designed to enhance the happiness and safety of all campers. Incidents of inappropriate behavior will be handled with kindness but firmness. In a first offense, the child will be warned. In the event of a second offense a parent/guardian will be contacted. And, in the remote event of a third offense, the child will be asked to leave and not return to camp and no refund will be given. A staff leadership member will contact parents to let them know if there is a significant or on-going behavioral problem. 


  • No illegal substances (i.e., narcotics, illegal drugs, etc.) are allowed.
  • Substances not considered illegal but which are intended for inappropriate use (i.e., model glue, super glue, etc.) are not allowed.
  • The consumption of alcohol and use of tobacco products is not allowed. 
  • Items considered to be weapons are prohibited from being in the possession of any non-adult at all activities..  
  • Items of a sexual nature are strictly prohibited.  This rule shall apply to printed and electronic material including any graphic or text.  Any content or activity deemed to be pornographic in nature by consensus of LCYArts council members or the Camp Director shall be regarded as prohibited.
  • No excessive horseplay.
  • No bad language.  Language that is generally or reasonably considered to be vulgar, inappropriate in a Christian context, hurtful to the recipient, racial, bigoted, or demeaning is not allowed.
  • No hurting others.
  • No defacing property.

Please note, illegal activity will not be tolerated.  


Please pray for the organizers, leaders, and workshop leaders as we prepare for this year’s camp.

Please pray for robust registration of students and volunteers for the camp.

Please pray for donors and sponsors to catch the vision of the camp and help to finance it.

Please pray that our students’ hearts will be drawn toward Jesus Christ in the camp and they will grow in their faith and artistry, even as they make friends and have fun. 

Special Note:

This is the fourth year of “MARKED” and we want this youth arts camp to be a great experience for campers.  Our heart as a leadership team is to help these young people grow and develop in their faith and their artistry so they can serve God’s Church wherever they go in life.  We have been working over a year to prepare a high quality, high energy, and fun experience for the students and staff.  Please help us in this endeavor by

1) praying for camp preparation and leadership

2) praying for campers and staff the week of the camp and

3) filling out the evaluation form 

Your prayer and feedback is very valuable to us as we plan for camp for MARKED 2026! 

Please continue to pray that God will mark these students to serve the Church and the Kingdom in His Purposes.