Every person is a unique creation and gift from God. We are genuinely committed to working together in a Christ-like and God-honoring manner. We take this responsibility seriously and humbly and want to do everything we can to provide the best Christian arts camp experience possible. It is a privilege to see gifts blossoming and God working!
In 2021 a group of Christian artists began to meet together to discuss how they could develop and impact the lives of Christian youth who have performing arts gifts. Out of those conversations and dreams, the MARKED Youth Arts Camp was born.
The Lakeshore Christian Youth Arts organization is proud to partner with Living Word Church (Muskegon) and other area churches and businesses to help bring this camp opportunity to area youth.
Statement of Faith and Mission Statement
Mission Statement:
Lakeshore Christian Youth Arts is an all-volunteer organization that seeks to encourage the spiritual and artistic growth of youth in the greater Muskegon area with the intention of them then serving and blessing their own local churches and impacting the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Statement of Faith:
This Statement of Faith is not intended to cover all Biblical truth but only to establish a basis for fellowship and cooperation so that we may “all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions.”
- We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God that teaches us all we need to know concerning salvation.
- We believe the Creator of the universe is also the Creator who loves each person and the world he created.
- We believe that salvation through faith in Jesus Christ is the way to live the abundant life on earth and the eternal life in heaven.
- We believe that after an individual decides to become a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit then lives within and helps them grow in their faith relationship with God.
- We believe children are a gift from God and should be encouraged, mentored, and discipled to grow into the fullness of who God created them to be so they can serve his Kingdom and the people around them.
- We emphasize the values of family and life. We believe in the traditional family (one husband, one wife) and traditional morality, purity before marriage, and mutual faithfulness in marriage. (I Corinthians 7:2; Ephesians 5:3; I Thessalonians 4:3)
- Lakeshore Christian Youth Arts is distinctly Christian in nature but welcomes anyone who will respect this distinction.