MARKED Summer Camp June 24-June 28, 2024

Thank you for your interest in MARKED 2024.  Registration closed June 10.  Please sign up for the email newsletter for more updates. 



We are very excited you are interested in this amazing camp to grow in your arts and in your Christian faith.  Check out the Student FAQ and Parent FAQ for more details.  

More information below…..  The camp is for incoming 5th-12 graders and will be held Monday-Friday, June 24-June 28, 2024 at 1551 Wood Street, Muskegon, MI from 9:00 a.m. –  3:00 p.m. On Friday, students will stay for a dress rehearsal, picnic supper, and the final performance at 6:30 p.m.

All campers will have the opportunity to act, sing, play instruments, do visual arts, do photography and videography, write, and more!  

Our devotional themes will surround the Biblical ideas of the Word, the Spirit, and Worship.  (John 4:23-24)

We will have lunch and relaxation time each day.  Campers can choose to bring their own lunches or order one for a small fee.  Lemonade and water will be available at no cost each day.

Campers’ families are invited to a picnic supper on Friday night at 5:30 p.m. 

Our final program is free and will be at 6:30 p.m. Friday.  It will incorporate all the learning and fun we’ve had this week!  Parents, grandparents, and other friends are invited to come to watch!

DVDs of the program should be available shortly after the camp. 

The cost of the camp includes five days of art camp fun, snacks and drinks, our Friday evening meal, and a camp T-shirt.  The final day to register is June 10, so register early!! 

There are no auditions to participate in this week, but please fill out all the questions on the registration so we can adequately prepare for our campers!

Dress for the week is casual (jean shorts & t-shirts are fine).  We will mostly be indoors, and the building is air-conditioned. 

We will wear camp t-shirts with blue or black shorts or pants for our performance, so please plan accordingly. 

During the week of camp, we will be collecting cash offerings to be given to the “Enliven” ministry of Mike and Heather Hernandez-Farrell of La Union, Honduras.  As part of Enliven, they teach budding musicians the skills needed to help lead worship in their local churches.  Our camp will be collecting money to help them provide guitars, keyboards, and other equipment for these musicians. (For more information see: